/** * Go Pricing - WordPress Responsive Pricing Tables * * Description: The New Generation Pricing Tables. If you like traditional Pricing Tables, but you would like get much more out of it, then this rodded product is a useful tool for you. * Version: 3.3.18 * Author: Granth * License: https://codecanyon.net/licenses/ * * (C) 2020 Granth (https://granthweb.com) */ var gwGS = gwGS || {}; ; (function ($, TimelineLite, TweenLite, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * Initialize */ $.GoPricing = { /* Init function */ Init: function () { this.$wrap = $('.gw-go'); this.fixWidth(); this.equalize = this.$wrap.data('equalize'); this.InitMediaElementPlayer(); this.InitGoogleMap(); this.isIE = document.documentMode != undefined && document.documentMode > 5 ? document.documentMode : false; if (this.isIE) { this.$wrap.addClass('gw-go-ie'); if (this.isIE < 9) this.$wrap.addClass('gw-go-oldie'); }; if ($.GoPricing != undefined && $.GoPricing.equalize) { this.EqualizeRows(); }; this.InitAnim(); this.eventType = this.detectEvent(); this.timeout = []; }, InitAnim: function () { this.$wrap.each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).css('opacity', 1); if (!TimelineLite || !TweenLite) return; var $cols = $(".gw-go-col-wrap[data-col-anim]", this); if ($cols.length) { var tl = new TimelineLite({ paused: true, onStart: function () { var tw = this.getChildren(), i = tw.length; while (i--) if (tw[i].vars.onUpdate) tw[i].vars.onUpdate(); } }); $cols.each(function (i, col) { var anim = $(col).data('col-anim') || {}; if (anim.trans) { anim.css.opacity /= 100, anim.css.scaleX /= 100, anim.css.scaleY /= 100; tl.add(TweenLite.from(col, anim.trans.duration / 1000, { css: anim.css, ease: anim.trans.ease }), anim.trans.delay / 1000); } if (anim.count) { var $price = $('[data-id=price]', col), counter = { value: (anim.count.from || 0) }, $amount = $price.find('[data-id=amount]'), price = $price.data('price') || 0, currency = $price.data('currency') || {}, decimals = (price || '').toString().split('.')[1] || '', decCnt = decimals.length; if ($price.data('trailing-zero')) decCnt = $price.data('decimal-no'); tl.add(TweenLite.to(counter, anim.count.duration / 1000, { value: price, ease: anim.count.ease, onUpdate: function () { var c = counter.value $amount.html(function () { var parts = parseFloat(c).toFixed(decCnt).split('.'); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + (currency['thousand-sep'] || ' ')); parts[1] = parts[1] ? ((currency['decimal-sep'] || '.') + parts[1]) : ''; return parts[0] + parts[1]; }); }, }), anim.count.delay / 1000); } }); var $this = $(this).data('tl', tl); $this.tablespy({ offset: $this.data('scroll-offset') }); TweenLite.set(this, { perspective: '1000px' }); } }); }, /* Show Tooltip */ showTooltip: function ($elem, content, top) { if ($elem === undefined) return; var $rowTooltip = $elem.find('.gw-go-tooltip-content'), rowTooltipContent = $rowTooltip.length ? $rowTooltip.prop('outerHTML') : '', $colWrap = $elem.closest('.gw-go-col-wrap'), $col = $colWrap.find('.gw-go-col'), $tooltip = $col.find('.gw-go-tooltip'), colIndex = $colWrap.data('col-index'), rIndex = $elem.data('row-index'); if (!$tooltip.length) $tooltip = $('
').appendTo($col); if ($tooltip.data('index') != rIndex) { $tooltip.removeClass('gw-go-tooltip-visible'); } else { clearTimeout($.GoPricing.timeout[colIndex]); } if (rowTooltipContent != '') { // Set max width for the tooltip $tooltip.css('max-width', $elem.closest('.gw-go-col').width() - 10); $tooltip.html(rowTooltipContent).data('index', rIndex) var corr = $col.position().top; setTimeout(function () { $tooltip.addClass('gw-go-tooltip-visible').css('top', $elem.find('.gw-go-body-cell').offset().top - $col.closest('.gw-go-col-wrap').offset().top - $tooltip.outerHeight() - 16 - corr) }, 10); } }, /* Hide Tooltip */ hideTooltip: function ($elem) { if ($elem === undefined) return; if ($elem.hasClass('gw-go-tooltip')) { $elem.removeClass('gw-go-tooltip-visible'); } else { var $colWrap = $elem.closest('.gw-go-col-wrap'), $col = $colWrap.find('.gw-go-col'), $tooltip = $col.find('.gw-go-tooltip'), colIndex = $colWrap.data('col-index'); $.GoPricing.timeout[colIndex] = setTimeout(function () { $tooltip.removeClass('gw-go-tooltip-visible'); }, 10); } }, /* Mediaelement Player init */ InitMediaElementPlayer: function () { if (jQuery().mediaelementplayer && $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('audio, video').length) { $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('audio, video').mediaelementplayer({ audioWidth: '100%', videoWidth: '100%' }); }; }, /* Google map init */ InitGoogleMap: function () { if (jQuery().goMap && $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('.gw-go-gmap').length) { $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('.gw-go-gmap').each(function (index) { var $this = $(this); $this.goMap($this.data('map')); }); }; }, loadImages: function ($pricingTable) { if (!$pricingTable.data('images') || $pricingTable.data('imagesLoaded')) return; var images = $pricingTable.data('images'), loadedCount = $pricingTable.data('imagesLoadedCnt') ? parseInt($pricingTable.data('imagesLoadedCnt')) : 0; for (var x = 0; x < images.length; x++) { var image = images[x]; if ($(image.el).data('loading')) continue; $(image.el).data('loading', true); var img = new Image(); img.onerror = function () { $pricingTable.data('imagesLoadedCnt', ++loadedCount); }; img.onload = function (e) { $pricingTable.data('imagesLoadedCnt', ++loadedCount); }; img.src = image.el.src; } if (loadedCount == images.length) { $pricingTable.data('imagesLoaded', true); this.EqualizeRows(); return; } setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.loadImages($pricingTable); }, this), 100); }, /* Fix width in webkit browsers */ fixWidth: function () { if ('WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style === false || window.StyleMedia) return; for (var x = 0; x < $.GoPricing.$wrap.length; x++) { var $pricingTable = $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x), $cols = $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-col-wrap'); if ($pricingTable.is(':hidden') || $pricingTable.offset().top > parseInt($(document).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight + 500) || $pricingTable.data('fix-width') === true || $cols.length < 2) continue; for (var i = 0; i < $cols.length; i++) { var $col = $cols.eq(i), fixedMaxWidth = parseInt($pricingTable.data('mw')), maxWidth = Math.floor(parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($col[0]).width)); if (!fixedMaxWidth || maxWidth < fixedMaxWidth) { $cols.css('max-width', 'none'); $cols.css('max-width', Math.floor(parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($col[0]).width))); } } $pricingTable.data('fix-width', true); } }, /* Equalize rows */ EqualizeRows: function () { for (var x = 0; x < $.GoPricing.$wrap.length; x++) { if ($.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x).is(':hidden') || $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x).offset().top > parseInt($(document).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight + 500) || $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x).data('eq-ready') === true) continue; var $pricingTable = $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x), $colWrap = $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-col-wrap:visible'), colCnt = $colWrap.length, equalizeCnt = colCnt, views = $pricingTable.data('views') !== undefined ? $pricingTable.data('views') : {}; /* Load images */ if (!$pricingTable.data('images') && !$pricingTable.data('imagesLoaded')) { var images = []; if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').body != undefined) { $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-body li .gw-go-body-cell:visible img').each(function (index, el) { images.push({ 'ready': false, 'el': el }) }); } if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').footer != undefined) { $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-footer .gw-go-footer-row-inner:visible img').each(function (index, el) { images.push({ 'ready': false, 'el': el }) }); } if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').column != undefined) { $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-header img').each(function (index, el) { images.push({ 'ready': false, 'el': el }) }); } if (images.length) $pricingTable.data('images', images); } if ($pricingTable.data('images') && !$pricingTable.data('imagesLoaded')) { this.loadImages($pricingTable); continue; } for (var key in views) { var mqSizes = [], mq = ''; if (views[key].min !== undefined && views[key].min !== '') mqSizes.push('(min-width:' + views[key].min + 'px)'); if (views[key].max !== undefined && views[key].max !== '') mqSizes.push('(max-width:' + views[key].max + 'px)'); mq = mqSizes.join(' and '); if (mq != '') if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(mq).matches) { equalizeCnt = views[key].cols !== undefined && views[key].cols !== '' && views[key].cols <= colCnt ? views[key].cols : colCnt; } } if (equalizeCnt == 1) { $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-body li .gw-go-body-cell').css('height', 'auto'); $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-col-wrap').css('height', 'auto'); $pricingTable.find('.gw-go-footer').css('height', 'auto'); continue; } for (var z = 0; z < colCnt / equalizeCnt; z++) { if (!$pricingTable.is(':hidden')) $pricingTable.data('eq-ready', true); var rowHeights = [], footerHeights = [], colHeights = []; /* Body */ if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').body != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i), $row = $currentCol.find('.gw-go-body li .gw-go-body-cell:visible'); for (var rIndex = 0; rIndex < $row.length; rIndex++) { var $currentRow = $row.eq(rIndex); $currentRow.css('height', 'auto'); if (typeof rowHeights[rIndex] !== 'undefined') { if ($currentRow.height() > rowHeights[rIndex]) { rowHeights[rIndex] = $currentRow.height(); } } else { rowHeights[rIndex] = $currentRow.height(); } } } } for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i), $row = $currentCol.find('.gw-go-body li .gw-go-body-cell:visible'); if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { for (var rIndex = 0; rIndex < $row.length; rIndex++) { var $currentRow = $row.eq(rIndex); $currentRow.css('height', rowHeights[rIndex]); } } } } /* Footer */ if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').footer != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i), $row = $currentCol.find('.gw-go-footer .gw-go-footer-row-inner:visible'); for (var rIndex = 0; rIndex < $row.length; rIndex++) { var $currentRow = $row.eq(rIndex); $currentRow.css('height', 'auto'); if (typeof footerHeights[rIndex] !== 'undefined') { if ($currentRow.height() > footerHeights[rIndex]) { footerHeights[rIndex] = $currentRow.height(); } } else { footerHeights[rIndex] = $currentRow.height(); } } } } for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i), $row = $currentCol.find('.gw-go-footer .gw-go-footer-row-inner:visible'); if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { for (var rIndex = 0; rIndex < $row.length; rIndex++) { var $currentRow = $row.eq(rIndex); $currentRow.css('height', footerHeights[rIndex]); } } } } /* Column */ if ($pricingTable.data('equalize').column != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i); if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { $currentCol.css('height', 'auto'); if (typeof colHeights[z] !== 'undefined') { if ($currentCol.outerHeight(true) > colHeights[z]) { colHeights[z] = $currentCol.outerHeight(false); } } else { colHeights[z] = $currentCol.outerHeight(false); } } } for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) { var $currentCol = $colWrap.eq(i); if (i >= (z * equalizeCnt) && i <= (z * equalizeCnt) + equalizeCnt - 1) { $currentCol.css('height', colHeights[z]); } } } } } }, /* Detect event type */ detectEvent: function () { var eventType = 'mouseenter mouseleave'; if ('ontouchstart' in window) { eventType = 'touchstart'; } else if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) { eventType = "pointerdown"; } else if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) { eventType = "MSPointerDown"; } return eventType; } }; $(function () { /* Init */ $.GoPricing.Init(); $(window).on('scroll', function () { $.GoPricing.fixWidth(); $.GoPricing.EqualizeRows(); }); /* Submit button event if form found */ $.GoPricing.$wrap.on('click', 'span.gw-go-btn', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.find('form').length) { $this.find('form').trigger('submit'); }; }); /* Show & hide tooltip - Event on tooltip */ $.GoPricing.$wrap.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.gw-go-tooltip', function (e) { var $this = $(this), $colWrap = $this.closest('.gw-go-col-wrap'), colIndex = $colWrap.data('col-index'); if (e.type == 'mouseenter') { clearTimeout($.GoPricing.timeout[colIndex]); } else { $.GoPricing.timeout[colIndex] = setTimeout(function () { $.GoPricing.hideTooltip($this); }, 10); } }); /* Show & hide tooltip - Event on row */ $.GoPricing.$wrap.on('mouseenter mouseleave', 'ul.gw-go-body > li', function (e) { var $this = $(this); if (e.type == 'mouseenter') { $.GoPricing.showTooltip($this); } else { $.GoPricing.hideTooltip($this); } }); /* Column hover / touch - supports mouse, touch and pointers */ // Pointer enter event function enterEvent($elem) { $elem.addClass('gw-go-curr'); $elem.siblings().data('leave-event', null).data('enter-event', null); $elem.data('leave-event', null); if ($elem.hasClass('gw-go-disable-hover')) { $elem.siblings(':not(.gw-go-disable-hover)').removeClass('gw-go-hover'); } else { $elem.addClass('gw-go-hover').siblings(':not(.gw-go-disable-hover)').removeClass('gw-go-hover'); $elem.closest('.gw-go').addClass('gw-go-hover'); } }; // Pointer leave event function leaveEvent($elem) { $elem.siblings().data('leave-event', null).data('enter-event', null); $elem.data('enter-event', null); $elem.removeClass('gw-go-curr'); if ($elem.hasClass('gw-go-disable-hover')) { $elem.closest('.gw-go').find('[data-current="1"]:not(.gw-go-disable-hover)').addClass('gw-go-hover'); } else { $elem.removeClass('gw-go-hover'); $elem.closest('.gw-go').find('[data-current="1"]:not(.gw-go-disable-hover)').addClass('gw-go-hover'); $elem.closest('.gw-go').removeClass('gw-go-hover'); } }; // Enter event handling $(document).on('pointerenter mouseenter pointerdown touchstart', '.gw-go-col-wrap', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $this = $(this); $this.closest('.gw-go').find('.gw-go-col-wrap').removeClass('gw-go-curr'); if ($this.hasClass('gw-go-disable-hover')) { $this.addClass('gw-go-curr'); return; } $this.data('leave-event', null); if ($this.data('enter-event')) return; var event = { pointer: e.originalEvent.pointerType == 'touch' || e.type == 'touchstart' ? 'touch' : 'mouse', pageX: e.originalEvent.changedTouches ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.originalEvent.pageX, pageY: e.originalEvent.changedTouches ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.originalEvent.pageY, }; if (event.pointer == 'mouse') { enterEvent($this); }; $this.data('enter-event', event); }); // Leave event handling $(document).on('pointerleave mouseleave pointerup touchend', '.gw-go-col-wrap', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('gw-go-disable-hover')) return; if (!$this.data('enter-event') || $this.data('leave-event')) return; var event = { pointer: e.originalEvent.pointerType == 'touch' || e.type == 'touchend' ? 'touch' : 'mouse', pageX: e.originalEvent.changedTouches ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.originalEvent.pageX, pageY: e.originalEvent.changedTouches ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.originalEvent.pageY, }; if (event.pointer == 'mouse') { $this.data('leave-event', event); leaveEvent($this); } else { if (!$this.data('leave-event')) { if (Math.abs($this.data('enter-event').pageX - event.pageX) > 20 || Math.abs($this.data('enter-event').pageY - event.pageY) > 20) { $this.data('enter-event', null); return; } enterEvent($this); $this.data('leave-event', event); $(document).on('touchstart.goprEvent pointermove.goprEvent mousemove.goprEvent', function (e) { if ($(e.target).closest('.go-pricing').length) return; leaveEvent($this); $this.data('leave-event', null); $this.data('enter-event', null); $(document).off('.goprEvent'); }); } } }); /** * Google map */ if (typeof jQuery.goMap !== 'undefined' && $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('.gw-go-gmap').length) { var GoPricing_MapResize = false; $(window).on('resize', function (e) { if (GoPricing_MapResize) { clearTimeout(GoPricing_MapResize); } GoPricing_MapResize = setTimeout(function () { $.GoPricing.$wrap.find('.gw-go-gmap').each(function (index, element) { //$(this).goMap(); //console.log($.goMap.getMarkers('markers')[0].position); }); }, 400); }); }; /* Equalize heights on resize */ $(window).on('resize load', function (e) { for (var x = 0; x < $.GoPricing.$wrap.length; x++) { $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x).data('eq-ready', false); $.GoPricing.$wrap.eq(x).data('fix-width', false); } $.GoPricing.fixWidth(); $.GoPricing.EqualizeRows(); }); /* handle animations */ $(window).on("scrollEnter scrollLeave", function (e, spy) { var $target = $(e.target); if ($target.data('anim') == 'off' || typeof spy === 'undefined') return; var repeat = $target.data("anim-repeat") || Infinity; if (e.type == "scrollEnter") { if (spy.enters <= repeat) $target.data("tl").play(); } else { if (spy.enters < repeat) $target.data("tl").stop().seek(0); } }); }); })(jQuery, gwGS.TimelineLite, gwGS.TweenLite); ; (function ($, window, undefined) { var $elems = $(); var $cont = $(window) .on("resize.tablespy", onResize) .on("load.tablespy", onResize) .on("scroll.tablespy load.tablespy", onScroll); if (window.frameElement) { window.parent.onload = function () { onScroll(); } } function onScroll() { if (!$elems.length) return; var height = $cont.height(); var y = $cont.scrollTop(); $elems.each(function () { var $elem = $(this); var o = $elem.data('tablespy'); if (typeof o === "undefined") return; var offset = o.rowHeight * o.offset / 100; if (Math.floor((o.rowHeight + height) / 2) < offset) offset = Math.floor((o.rowHeight + height) / 2) - 20; if (height + y - offset >= o.min && y + offset <= o.max) { if (!o.inside) { o.inside = true; o.enters++; $elem.trigger("scrollEnter", { scrollTop: y, enters: o.enters, leaves: o.leaves }); } $elem.trigger("scrollTick", { scrollTop: y, enters: o.enters, leaves: o.leaves }); } if (o.inside && !(height + y >= o.min && y <= o.max)) { o.inside = false; o.leaves++; $elem.trigger("scrollLeave", { scrollTop: y, enters: o.enters, leaves: o.leaves }); } }); } function onResize() { $elems.each(function () { var $elem = $(this); var o = $elem.data("tablespy"); if (typeof o === "undefined") return; o.min = $elem.offset().top; o.max = $elem.outerHeight() + o.min; o.rowHeight = $elem.children(":visible:first").outerHeight(); }); } $.fn.tablespy = function (options) { var defaults = { offset: 0, enters: 0, leaves: 0, inside: false }; return this.each(function () { var $elem = $(this); var top = $elem.offset().top; $elem.data("tablespy", $.extend({ min: top, max: top + $elem.outerHeight(), rowHeight: $elem.children(":visible:first").outerHeight() }, defaults, options)); $elems.push(this); }); }; /* Disable animation */ $.GoPricing.disableAnim = function () { this.$wrap.each(function (index, element) { $(element).addClass('test'); $(element).data('anim', 'off'); $(element).css('opacity', 1); if (typeof $(element).data("tl") === 'undefined') { return; } if ($(element).data("tl").progress() == 1) return; $(element).data("tl").progress(1); }); }; })(jQuery, window);